Promise Media
Core web vitals

What Are Core Web Vitals? 4 Standards That Matter

Core web vitals are Google standards that measure website user experience. The standards are First Contentful Paint, Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay and Cumulative Layout Shift.

The standard names are not intuitive, but the ideas behind them are important methods for increasing search engine optimization (SEO). (more…)

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Page design

Google’s ‘Page Experience’ Offers Useful SEO Guidance

Page experience is another important tip directly from Google on how to get better rankings with search engine optimization.

Few people outside of Google — except for high-ranking former employees — know much about the many ways that Google ranks websites for its search engine. After all, the company doesn’t want to share important secrets with competitors. Its secretive ways also make the task of ranking well in Google’s search engine all the harder. (more…)

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404 Error

Bad Links Almost Certainly Impact SEO

Bad links within a site most likely hurt search engine rankings. Sometimes absolute proof isn’t there, but the evidence adds up.

Quite simply, they damage website metrics from visitors who click on them. And weak metrics impact search engine optimization.

Why do bad links hurt search engine optimization? (more…)

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User engagement

How to Increase Website User Engagement

What is website user engagement? It is the ability of a website to involve, attract and keep a visitor on the site as long as possible.

Why does user engagement matter? It matters because the longer a user stays on the site, the more the user interacts with the site in a way that benefits the website.


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Search engine optimization

“Rel Nofollow” Tag Disrupts SEO Potential

Rel nofollow in the HTML coding of website pages is both a curse and blessing for search engine optimization.

It has made it much harder for spammers to get higher but bogus search engine rankings. At the same time, it has made it much harder for legitimate websites to get higher and legitimate search engine rankings. (more…)

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Increase Website Traffic With 6 Key Tactics

Increasing a website’s traffic requires publishers to juggle multiple online marketing tactics to get the best results with audience growth.

It also requires putting a consistent amount of effort into each of these sources and then prioritizing the time and effort based on which ones increase website traffic the most. (more…)


Block Bad Search Engine Spiders and Save Money

Search engine spiders are valuable when they bring free audience to a site through their organic search results. But some search spiders are malicious and come at a cost.

They are malicious when they come from a product that doesn’t provide any audience. They are even more malicious when they pound a site to the point where they become a drain on server resources.


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