Promise Media
Local online
Targeted advertising

Best Online Advertising Types Are Efficiency Machines

The best online advertising types are measurable in terms of their response rates and return on investment. They also are efficient with time and money.

Do they generate clicks, sales, signups, social follows, return visits or other measures of success? Does the result more than pay for the cost in labor and cash? (more…)

Local Search Optimization

Best Practices for Local Search Engine Optimization

The best practices for local search engine optimization become clear for anyone who pays attention to local newspapers and TV stations. Use plenty of places and zip codes.

Local newspaper and TV sites have many references to communities and institutions common to the area. (more…)

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video production

Local Video Has Narrow But Valuable Viewership

Many local business owners believe they need to invest in local video because of the growth of video viewership.

They may read studies such as one from Pew Internet and American Life Project. It says that more than half of all adult online users have seen video on sites like YouTube and Facebook. (more…)

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Paid search advertising

Local Online Advertising Delivers Targeted Audiences

Local online advertising is effective for local businesses that want to target ads to specific geographic areas.

Many local advertisers understand the concept of targeting ads in print, cable and especially direct mail. But they often struggle with how to do it online. They often have to create the targeting instead of media account executives who usually do it for them in offline media. (more…)

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Local SEO Marketing Struggles with Small Audiences

The idea of using local SEO marketing to promote a local website makes perfect sense on the surface, but putting it into practice is often quite difficult.

Google and Bing may get 10,000 national searches a month on “early American antique dealers,” but they may get only 10 searches a month for “Nashville early American antique dealers.” (more…)

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How to Choose a Website Management Service

Business owners who hire a website management service to build or rebuild a website are not just making a product decision. They also are making a marketing decision.

The look and speed of the website have an impact on how much time a visitor spends on it, how often that visitor will come back and even if that visitor comes back at all. (more…)

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Online branding

Online Brand Marketing Can Outperform SEO

Website publishers often overlook online brand marketing as a tactic because search engine optimization is so effective.

It’s true that pure Web brands in particular may get up to 90 percent or more of their total traffic from organic search results. (more…)

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